What Types of Problems Can a Decision-Making Tool Help Solve?

Decision-Making Tool

Decision-making problem – arises in cases where the problem (task) becomes so complicated that for its formulation (setting) it cannot be immediately applied, a suitable formalization apparatus, when the process of setting the task requires the participation of specialists from various fields of knowledge.

This leads to the problem statement becoming a problem, for the solution of which, it is necessary to develop unique approaches, techniques, and methods. In such cases, it becomes necessary to determine the area of ​​the decision-making problem (problem situation); identify the factors influencing its decision; choose techniques and methods that allow you to formulate or set a problem in such a way that its solution is accepted.

Making decisions

Decision theory applies to objects of different nature and under various conditions of their existence. At the same time, decision-making processes in other spheres of human activity have much in common.

Formal decision-making methods can be useful in the following cases:

  • There is some problem or problem situation that needs to be resolved. Often the desired result is identified with one or more goals that must be achieved when resolving a problem.
  • There are several options for solving the problem, ways to achieve the goal, actions, and objects, among which the choice is made. These options are usually called alternatives in decision theory. If there is one possibility and no choice, then there is no decision problem.
  • Some factors impose certain restrictions on the possible ways of solving the problem and achieving the goal. These factors are determined by the context of the problem being solved and can be different: physical, technical, economic, social, personal, and other.

Also, sometimes there is a person or a group of people who are interested in resolving the problem, have the authority to choose one or another solution option, and are responsible for implementing the decision.

Typical Decision-Making Diagram

The need to make a decision arises when a problem situation arises. In this case, the problem is identified, i.e., a meaningful description of the problem is given, the desired result of its resolution is determined, and the existing limitations are evaluated.

In the next stage, the decision problem is formulated. It is required to determine the set of possible solutions (alternatives) to do this.

The second stage ends with the formulation of the decision problem. Finally, having formulated the problem of decision-making, they proceed to search for a solution.

There are situations when it is not possible to find the best solution. For example, the desired option may simply not be available.

Decision Tools

The software is designed to help a person in different situations, including when it is necessary to make a decision. In particular, you can use board portals for this process.

Here you can collect all the information for analytics and involve company employees and other managers in finding the best way out of the situation.

Enormous opportunities for calculations, discussions, and entering additional data and files make board portals indispensable in decision-making in a large company.
